Do you have a dream to start your own business? We can help make your dream a reality. Entrepreneurship Development Training will teach you:
Business management
Business registration
Writing a business plan
Customer service
…and much more! By taking this course, you will improve your management skills, and increase your chances at entrepreneurial success.
Interactive lectures are facilitated by key Resource Persons who examine the themes of the Workshop from a broad theoretical perspective down to case studies examining real world implementation. These presentations are augmented by small group exercises and frequent discussions from the floor, which serve to contextualize the issues being examined.
Participants will be able to:
Cite methodology and tools for enterprise strategic, financial and production planning
Outline means of improving capacity for trade, exports, investments, and access to markets
Describe best practices for facilitating the easy setting up of business targets, monitoring of business results and continuous improvement
Outline the links between SME business development, entrepreneurship and leadership;
Describe public-private SME partnerships at macro, meso, micro-levels
Illustrate SME development in a rural context, utilising agri-business market development as a model
Outline what interventions are currently available to the participants to support and develop